首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics >Stable Bipedal Walking With a Vertical Center-of-Mass Motion by an Evolutionary Optimized Central Pattern Generator

Stable Bipedal Walking With a Vertical Center-of-Mass Motion by an Evolutionary Optimized Central Pattern Generator


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This paper proposes a method for stable bipedal walking with a vertical center-of-mass (COM) motion by an evolutionary optimized central pattern generator (CPG). To generate a walking pattern for a bipedal robot, a modifiable walking pattern generator (MWPG) is employed, which extends a conventional 3-D linear inverted pendulum model (3-D LIPM) to allow a zero-moment-point variation by the closed-form functions. By using the MWPG, the robot is able to modify the walking pattern in real time while walking. For the vertical COM motion of the 3-D LIPM, the vertical COM trajectory is generated by the CPG. The disturbance caused by the vertical COM motion is compensated by utilizing the sensory feedback in the CPG. To obtain the desired output signals from the CPG, the CPG is optimized by the two-phase evolutionary programming (TPEP), which is suitable to solve the constrained optimization problems. By combining the MWPG with the CPG, stable bipedal walking with a larger stride is obtained. The validity of the proposed method is verified through real experiments for the small-sized bipedal robot, HanSaRam-IX.
机译:本文提出了一种通过进化优化的中央模式生成器(CPG)进行具有垂直质心(COM)运动的稳定双足步行的方法。为了生成双足机器人的行走模式,使用了可修改的行走模式生成器(MWPG),该生成器扩展了传统的3-D线性倒立摆模型(3-D LIPM),以允许闭合时零力矩点变化形式的功能。通过使用MWPG,机器人可以在行走时实时修改行走模式。对于3-D LIPM的垂直COM运动,垂直COM轨迹由CPG生成。通过使用CPG中的感官反馈,可以补偿由垂直COM运动引起的干扰。为了从CPG获得所需的输出信号,通过两阶段进化规划(TPEP)对CPG进行了优化,这很适合解决约束优化问题。通过将MWPG与CPG结合使用,可以获得步幅较大的稳定双足步行。通过对小型双足机器人HanSaRam-IX的真实实验,验证了该方法的有效性。



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