首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Marine Sciences >Sea mammals in marine protected area in the Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat State, India

Sea mammals in marine protected area in the Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat State, India


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Marine National Park and Sanctuary (collectively designated as Marine Protected Area or MPA) in the Gulf of Kachchh in Gujarat State has coral reefs, mangroves, sea-grass beds, mudflats, network of creeks and other ecosystems which supports rich marine life, including sea mammals. Although a total of 13 sea mammals have been recorded, only small mammals like dolphins, porpoise and dugong visit shallow water areas of the MPA during high tides to collect food. In this study, three marine mammals-common dolphin (Delphinus delphinus), porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) and dugong (Dugon dugon) were counted. Common dolphin has relatively good population in the western part of the MPA but other two species-porpoise and dugong are very rare. The study reveals that about one third of the total area of the MPA in this zone support about 80% of the marine mammals which visit the area during high-tides. Unlike central and eastern zones, the western zone is relatively free from developmental activities like ports, jetties, petroleum industries and other human activities. Thus, this part of the MPA is key habitat for dwindling population of the marine mammals.
机译:古吉拉特邦卡奇湾的国家海洋公园和保护区(统称为海洋保护区或MPA)拥有珊瑚礁,红树林,海草床,滩涂,小溪网络和其他生态系统,这些生态系统支持包括海洋在内的丰富海洋生物哺乳动物。尽管总共记录了13种海洋哺乳动物,但在涨潮时只有小哺乳动物(如海豚,海豚和儒艮)会到MPA的浅水区采食。在这项研究中,对三种海洋哺乳动物-常见的海豚(Delphinus delphinus),海豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)和儒艮(Dugon dugon)进行了计数。普通海豚在MPA的西部地区种群相对较好,但其他两个物种-海豚和儒艮非常罕见。研究表明,该地区MPA的总面积中约有三分之一支持在涨潮时访问该地区的80%的海洋哺乳动物。与中部和东部地区不同,西部地区相对没有发展活动,例如港口,码头,石油工业和其他人类活动。因此,MPA的这一部分是海洋哺乳动物种群减少的关键栖息地。



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