首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research >Development of sportswear with enhanced moisture management properties using cotton and regenerated cellulosic fibres

Development of sportswear with enhanced moisture management properties using cotton and regenerated cellulosic fibres


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The effect of fibre composition on moisture management properties and peak heat flux (q(max)) values of one commercial sport garment and six knitted fabrics (sportswear), composed of 100% polyester, 100% cotton, 100% modal, and blend of polyester with cotton and modal, have been investigated. The moisture management properties are assessed by using the moisture management tester, and the feeling of coldness or warmth is assessed by measuring q(max) value on KES-F7 Thermo labo II. Blending polyester fibre with cotton and modal has improved moisture management properties of the fabrics in comparison to 100% polyester fabric. q(max) study also indicates that polyester/cotton and polyester/modal blend fabrics are cooler as compared to 100 % polyester fabric.
机译:纤维组成对水分管理性能和峰值热通量(Q(最多))的效果和六个针织面料(运动服),由100%涤纶,100%棉,100%莫代尔和混合组成已经调查了棉花和典型的涤纶。通过使用水分管理测试仪评估水分管理性能,通过测量KES-F7 Thermo Labo II上的Q(MAX)值来评估寒冷或温暖的感觉。与100%聚酯织物相比,将共混聚酯纤维具有改善织物的水分管理性能。 Q(MAX)研究还表明,与100%聚酯织物相比,聚酯/棉和涤纶/型硅熔化织物是冷却的。



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