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A Realistic Take on Solar-Powered Traffic Beacons: Facts not Marketing


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Solar-powered traffic systems have been designed and manufactured in many variations since their commercial acceptance. In spite of various designs, the application of solar electric for these projects is an exercise in applied physics. The rules governing the design process have been proven conclusively for several decades. An article (hereinafter referred to as "the article") by Andrew Evans of JSF ("A Modern Take on Solar Powered Traffic Beacons: Form Leads Function" IMSA Journal, July/August 2005, pp 28-30) presented a number of statements which implied these longstanding rules are no longer applicable. I, and many others in the solar community, have read this article and take issue with some of the statements. This article will serve as both a refresher of solar electric basics for Mr. Evans and a rebuttal to "the article." Standard solar electric design rules Solar power systems must be designed by following a set of design rules. Designing a solar power system is much like figuring out a simple budget: you must manage what goes out (expenses) against income (your paycheck) and the back up from the battery bank (your savings).
机译:自从商业应用以来,太阳能交通系统已经进行了多种设计和制造。尽管有各种设计,将太阳能用于这些项目仍是应用物理学中的一项练习。控制设计过程的规则已被最终证明了数十年。 JSF的安德鲁·埃文斯(Andrew Evans)的一篇文章(以下简称“文章”)(《 IMSA期刊,2005年8月,第28-30页》,“太阳能交通信标的现代观点:领先优势”)发表了许多声明。这意味着这些长期存在的规则不再适用。我和太阳能社区的许多其他人已经阅读了这篇文章,并对其中的一些说法持怀疑态度。本文将既是Evans先生的太阳能基础知识的重温,又是对“本文”的反驳。标准太阳能电气设计规则太阳能系统必须按照一组设计规则进行设计。设计太阳能系统就像计算简单的预算:您必须根据收入(薪水)和电池组的积蓄(您的储蓄)来管理支出(费用)。



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