首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems >DDR3 SDRAM with a Complete Predictor

DDR3 SDRAM with a Complete Predictor

机译:具有完整预测器的DDR3 SDRAM

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In the arsenal of resources for improving computer memory system performance, predictors have gained an increasing role in the past few years. They enable hiding the latencies when accessing cache or main memory. In our previous work we proposed a DDR SDRAM controller with predictors that not only close the opened DRAM row but also predict the next row to be opened. In this paper we explore the possibilities of trying the same techniques on the latest type of DRAM memory, DDR3 SDRAM, with further improvements of the predictors.
机译:在改善计算机内存系统性能的资源库中,预测变量在过去几年中扮演着越来越重要的角色。它们可以在访问高速缓存或主内存时隐藏延迟。在我们以前的工作中,我们提出了一种带有预测器的DDR SDRAM控制器,该控制器不仅可以关闭打开的DRAM行,而且可以预测要打开的下一行。在本文中,我们探索了在最新类型的DRAM存储器DDR3 SDRAM上尝试相同技术的可能性,以及对预测变量的进一步改进。



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