首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems >A Parallel Branching Program Machine for Sequential Circuits: Implementation and Evaluation

A Parallel Branching Program Machine for Sequential Circuits: Implementation and Evaluation


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The parallel branching program machine (PBM128) consists of 128 branching program machines (BMs) and a programmable interconnection. To represent logic functions on BMs, we use quaternary decision diagrams. To evaluate functions, we use 3-address quaternary branch instructions. We realized many benchmark functions on the PBM128, and compared its memory size, computation time, and power consumption with the Intel's Core2Duo microprocessor. The PBM128 requires approximately a quarter of the memory for the Core2Duo, and is 21.4-96.1 times faster than the Core2Duo. It dissipates a quarter of the power of the Core2Duo. Also, we realized packet filters such as an access controller and a firewall, and compared their performance with software on the Core2Duo. For these packet filters, the PBM128 requires approximately 17% of the memory for the Core2Duo, and is 21.3-23.7 times faster than the Core2Duo.
机译:并行分支程序机器(PBM128)由128个分支程序机器(BM)和可编程互连组成。为了表示BM的逻辑功能,我们使用四元决策图。为了评估功能,我们使用3地址四进制分支指令。我们在PBM128上实现了许多基准测试功能,并将其内存大小,计算时间和功耗与Intel的Core2Duo微处理器进行了比较。 PBM128大约需要Core2Duo的四分之一的内存,并且比Core2Duo快21.4-96.1倍。它消耗了Core2Duo功率的四分之一。此外,我们实现了访问控制器和防火墙等数据包过滤器,并将其性能与Core2Duo上的软件进行了比较。对于这些数据包过滤器,PBM128大约需要Core2Duo的内存的17%,比Core2Duo快21.3-23.7倍。



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