首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems >Robust Gait-Based Person Identification against Walking Speed Variations

Robust Gait-Based Person Identification against Walking Speed Variations


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Variations in walking speed have a strong impact on gait-based person identification. We propose a method that is robust against walking-speed variations. It is based on a combination of cubic higher-order local auto-correlation (CHLAC), gait silhouette-based principal component analysis (GSP), and a statistical framework using hidden Markov models (HMMs). The CHLAC features capture the within-phase spatio-temporal characteristics of each individual, the GSP features retain more shape/phase information for better gait sequence alignment, and the HMMs classify the ID of each gait even when walking speed changes nonlin-early. We compared the performa ce of our method with other conventional methods using five different databases, SOTON, USF-NIST, CMU-MoBo, TokyoTech A and TokyoTech B. The proposed method was equal to or better than the others when the speed did not change greatly, and it was significantly better when the speed varied across and within a gait sequence.
机译:步行速度的变化对基于步态的人的识别有很大影响。我们提出了一种对步行速度变化具有鲁棒性的方法。它基于立方高阶局部自相关(CHLAC),基于步态轮廓的主成分分析(GSP)和使用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的统计框架的组合。 CHLAC功能捕获每个个体的相内时空特征,GSP功能保留更多的形状/相位信息以实现更好的步态序列比对,并且即使在步行速度非直线变化的情况下,HMM仍可以对每个步态的ID进行分类。我们使用五个不同的数据库SOTON,USF-NIST,CMU-MoBo,TokyoTech A和TokyoTech B将我们的方法的性能与其他常规方法进行了比较。当速度不变时,该方法等于或优于其他方法。很大,并且当步态序列之间和步态范围内的速度变化时,效果会更好。



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