首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems >Global Mapping Analysis: Stochastic Gradient Algorithm in Multidimensional Scaling

Global Mapping Analysis: Stochastic Gradient Algorithm in Multidimensional Scaling


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In order to implement multidimensional scaling (MDS) efficiently, we propose a new method named "global mapping analysis" (GMA), which applies stochastic approximation to minimizing MDS criteria. GMA can solve MDS more efficiently in both the linear case (classical MDS) and non-linear one (e.g., ALSCAL) if only the MDS criteria are polynomial. GMA separates the polynomial criteria into the local factors and the global ones. Because the global factors need to be calculated only once in each iteration, GMA is of linear order in the number of objects. Numerical experiments on artificial data verify the efficiency of GMA. It is also shown that GMA can find out various interesting structures from massive document collections.
机译:为了有效地实现多维缩放(MDS),我们提出了一种名为“全局映射分析”(GMA)的新方法,该方法将随机逼近应用于最小化MDS标准。如果只有MDS标准是多项式,则GMA可以在线性情况(经典MDS)和非线性情况(例如ALSCAL)中更有效地求解MDS。 GMA将多项式标准分为局部因子和全局因子。由于全局因子在每次迭代中只需要计算一次,因此GMA在对象数上呈线性顺序。人工数据的数值实验验证了GMA的有效性。还表明GMA可以从大量文档集中找到各种有趣的结构。



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