首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology >Wireless CATV network access for personal communications usingsimulcasting

Wireless CATV network access for personal communications usingsimulcasting


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Existing cable television (CATV) networks are proposed as a meansnto interconnect wireless terminals to terrestrial networks and services.nDiscrete antennas, each controlled by a remote antenna driver (RAD), arenseparated by 250 m along a cable to provide wireless access. RAD'sntransceive as a group on any active channel, and are controlled by anremote antenna signal processor (RASP) which interconnects to the publicnswitched telephone network, or other broad-band network. Simulcastninterference caused by transmissions involving the RAD's is analyzed. Itnis determined that communication is feasible, even in the simulcastninterference zone, provided the time delay difference caused byndifferences in path length traveled by simulcast signals with comparablenpower levels is a small fraction of the signal pulse duration. Emphasisnhere is on the CT2 air interface with its 72 kb/s baud rate. Thenpossible effects of cable transmission delay on the time-division duplexn(TDD) transmission algorithm are considered. Some discussion involvingncommunications through walls or around obstructions is included
机译:提议使用现有的有线电视(CATV)网络作为将无线终端与地面网络和服务互连的手段。n分别由远程天线驱动器(RAD)控制的分立天线沿电缆间隔250 m以提供无线接入。 RAD可以在任何活动信道上作为一个组进行收发,并由与公共交换电话网或其他宽带网络互连的远程天线信号处理器(RASP)控制。分析了涉及RAD的传输引起的同时广播干扰。 Itnis确定,即使在同播干扰区域中,通信也是可行的,只要功率可比较的同播信号在路径长度上的差异引起的时延差是信号脉冲持续时间的一小部分。重点是CT2空中接口的波特率为72 kb / s。然后考虑了电缆传输延迟对时分双工(TDD)传输算法的影响。包括一些涉及通过墙壁或障碍物进行交流的讨论



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