首页> 外文期刊>Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on >Instructor Time and Effort in Online and Face-to-Face Teaching: Lessons Learned

Instructor Time and Effort in Online and Face-to-Face Teaching: Lessons Learned


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Results in past studies comparing teaching time and effort in online and face-to-face (FTF) teaching environments have been inconsistent. This research study compares the instructional time and effort it took the authors to teach the same course online and FTF in their respective universities. The authors hypothesize that it takes more time to teach online courses. The results of the two-semester study show that both authors spent more time per student, approximately 20% more, in the online courses. In the total time spent per student online compared to the total time spent per student FTF, the paired-samples ${rm t}$-test showed a statistically significant difference (${rm t}(it 3)={it 6.163}$ , ${rm p}={it 0.009}$). The authors speculate a number of factors contributed to this difference and the perception that teaching in an online environment takes more time and effort than teaching in a FTF environment.
机译:过去的研究结果比较了在线和面对面(FTF)教学环境中的教学时间和精力。这项研究比较了作者在各自大学中在线教授同一门课程和FTF所花费的教学时间和精力。作者假设,在线课程教学需要更多时间。这项为期两个学期的研究结果表明,两位作者在每位学生上花费的时间都更多,大约比在线课程多20%。在每名学生在线花费的总时间与每名学生FTF花费的总时间相比,配对样本$ {rm t} $-test显示出统计学上的显着差异($ {rm t}(第3个)= {第6.163个} $,$ {rm p} = {it 0.009} $)。作者推测了造成这种差异的许多因素,并且认为在线环境中的教学比在FTF环境中进行教学要花费更多的时间和精力。



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