首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics >Analysis and Transmitter Currents Decomposition Based Control for Multiple Overlapped Transmitters Based WPT Systems Considering Cross Couplings

Analysis and Transmitter Currents Decomposition Based Control for Multiple Overlapped Transmitters Based WPT Systems Considering Cross Couplings


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Multiple transmitters powering a single receiver simultaneously is a good alternative to upgrade the power capacity of the wireless power transfer (WPT) system by using multiple modular inverters manufactured in a larger quantities, since the demand for high power applications is on the rise. A multiple overlapped transmitters based WPT system is presented in this paper. In order to alleviate the effects of the cross couplings between the transmitters, additional capacitors are adopted in the transmitters and the configuration of additional capacitors is provided. Virtual active and reactive powers are defined to decompose the transmitter current into active and reactive components. A transmitter current control scheme based on the proposed current decomposition method consisting of one reactive current control loop and one active current control loop is also presented in this paper. Finally, a low-scale experimental setup using two overlapped transmitters WPT system is provided to verify the proposed approach. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method could improve the stability of output voltage control and achieve minimal current difference amongst transmitters. Besides, the overall system efficiency is improved to 90.34% with the proposed control method at 1.45 kW output power, which demonstrates that the proposed method is a potential solution for high power applications.
机译:通过使用大量制造的多个模块化逆变器,多个向同时为单个接收器供电的发射机可以很好地替代无线电力传输(WPT)系统的功率容量,因为对高功率应用的需求正在上升。本文提出了一种基于多个重叠发射机的WPT系统。为了减轻发射机之间的交叉耦合的影响,在发射机中采用了附加电容器,并提供了附加电容器的配置。虚拟有功功率和无功功率被定义为将变送器电流分解为有功和无功分量。本文还提出了一种基于提出的电流分解方法的变送器电流控制方案,该方案由一个无功电流控制环和一个有源电流控制环组成。最后,提供了一个使用两个重叠发射机WPT系统的小规模实验装置,以验证所提出的方法。实验结果表明,所提出的方法可以提高输出电压控制的稳定性,并使发射机之间的电流差最小。此外,在1.45 kW输出功率下采用所提出的控制方法,整个系统效率提高到90.34%,这表明所提出的方法是大功率应用的潜在解决方案。



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