首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics >Fixed-Switching Frequency Interleaved Sliding Mode Eight-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter

Fixed-Switching Frequency Interleaved Sliding Mode Eight-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter


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This paper describes the design of an interleaved sliding mode control for a multiphase synchronous buck converter, which inherits the properties of sliding mode control, operates with fixed switching frequency in the steady-state, and ensures current equalization among phases. Moreover, a power management algorithm is added in order to decide the number of active phases as function of the power load demand, thus optimizing the converter efficiency. The system uses a Master–Slave structure where each phase can actuate as the Master one in such a way that the overall system reliability is improved. Experimental results in a 1.5 kW eight-phase synchronous buck converter show that interleaving operation, robust output voltage regulation, phase current equalization, switching frequency regulation, and power management are achieved.
机译:本文介绍了一种用于多相同步降压转换器的交错滑模控制设计,该控制器继承了滑模控制的特性,在稳态下以固定的开关频率工作,并确保各相之间的电流均衡。此外,添加了功率管理算法,以便根据功率负载需求确定活动相的数量,从而优化转换器效率。该系统使用主从结构,其中每个阶段都可以作为主站进行操作,从而提高了整个系统的可靠性。在1.5 kW的八相同步降压转换器中进行的实验结果表明,实现了交织操作,鲁棒的输出电压调节,相电流均衡,开关频率调节和电源管理。



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