首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Image Processing >Scale-Aware Pixelwise Object Proposal Networks

Scale-Aware Pixelwise Object Proposal Networks


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Object proposal is essential for current state-of-the-art object detection pipelines. However, the existing proposal methods generally fail in producing results with satisfying localization accuracy. The case is even worse for small objects, which, however, are quite common in practice. In this paper, we propose a novel scale-aware pixelwise object proposal network (SPOP-net) to tackle the challenges. The SPOP-net can generate proposals with high recall rate and average best overlap, even for small objects. In particular, in order to improve the localization accuracy, a fully convolutional network is employed which predicts locations of object proposals for each pixel. The produced ensemble of pixelwise object proposals enhances the chance of hitting the object significantly without incurring heavy extra computational cost. To solve the challenge of localizing objects at small scale, two localization networks, which are specialized for localizing objects with different scales are introduced, following the divide-and-conquer philosophy. Location outputs of these two networks are then adaptively combined to generate the final proposals by a large-/small-size weighting network. Extensive evaluations on PASCAL VOC 2007 and COCO 2014 show the SPOP network is superior over the state-of-the-art models. The high-quality proposals from SPOP-net also significantly improve the mean average precision of object detection with Fast-Regions with CNN features framework. Finally, the SPOP-net (trained on PASCAL VOC) shows great generalization performance when testing it on ILSVRC 2013 validation set.
机译:对象提议对于当前最新的对象检测管道至关重要。然而,现有的提议方法通常不能产生满足定位精度的结果。小物体的情况甚至更糟,但是在实践中却很常见。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的可感知规模的像素化对象建议网络(SPOP-net),以应对挑战。 SPOP-net可以生成具有较高召回率和平均最佳重叠率的建议,即使对于小型对象也是如此。特别地,为了提高定位精度,采用了全卷积网络,该网络预测每个像素的对象提议的位置。所产生的按像素排列的对象提议集合增加了显着击中对象的机会,而不会引起大量的额外计算成本。为了解决小规模定位对象的挑战,遵循分而治之的理念,引入了两个专门用于定位不同比例对象的本地化网络。然后,这两个网络的位置输出通过大/小尺寸加权网络进行自适应组合,以生成最终建议。对PASCAL VOC 2007和COCO 2014的广泛评估显示,SPOP网络优于最新模型。 SPOP-net的高质量建议还通过具有CNN功能框架的Fast-Regions大大提高了对象检测的平均平均精度。最后,在ILSVRC 2013验证集上进行测试时,SPOP网络(在PASCAL VOC上进行了培训)显示出出色的泛化性能。



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