首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Image Processing >Iterative Refinement of Possibility Distributions by Learning for Pixel-Based Classification

Iterative Refinement of Possibility Distributions by Learning for Pixel-Based Classification


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This paper proposes an approach referred as: iterative refinement of possibility distributions by learning (IRPDL) for pixel-based image classification. The IRPDL approach is based on the use of possibilistic reasoning concepts exploiting expert knowledge sources as well as ground possibilistic seeds learning. The set of seeds is constructed by incrementally updating and refining the possibility distributions. Synthetic images as well as real images from the RIDER Breast MRI database are being used to evaluate the IRPDL performance. Its performance is compared with three relevant reference methods: region growing, semi-supervised fuzzy pattern matching, and Markov random fields. The IRDPL performance (in terms of recognition rate, 87.3%) is close to the Markovian method (88.8%) that is considered to be the reference in pixel-based image classification. IRPDL outperforms the other two methods, respectively, at the recognition rates of 83.9% and 84.7%. In addition, the proposed IRPDL requires fewer parameters for the mathematical representation and presents a reduced computational complexity.
机译:本文提出了一种方法,称为:通过学习迭代细化可能性分布(IRPDL)用于基于像素的图像分类。 IRPDL方法基于对可能性推理概念的利用,该概念利用了专家知识资源以及对可能的种子的学习。通过逐步更新和细化可能性分布来构造种子集。来自RIDER Breast MRI数据库的合成图像和真实图像都用于评估IRPDL性能。将其性能与三种相关的参考方法进行了比较:区域增长,半监督模糊模式匹配和Markov随机场。 IRDPL性能(在识别率方面为87.3%)接近于被认为是基于像素的图像分类的参考的马尔可夫方法(88.8%)。 IRPDL的识别率分别优于其他两种方法,分别为83.9%和84.7%。另外,所提出的IRPDL需要较少的参数来进行数学表示,并且降低了计算复杂度。



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