首页> 外文期刊>IEE Proceedings. Part I, Communications >High rate data transmission in the mid-latitude NVIS HF channel

High rate data transmission in the mid-latitude NVIS HF channel

机译:在中纬度NVIS HF频道中的高速率数据传输

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The paper investigates the use of differential modulation techniques to achieve high rate data transmission by near vertical incidence sky wave high frequency propagation, using a 2.7 kHz voice channel bandwidth. Channel characteristics have been measured for a range of frequencies between 2.8 and 9.4 MHz, using a transmitter power of 100 W over a distance of 160 km. These measurements are used to characterise simulated channel conditions, and the simulator is then used to determine the performances of differential modulation methods. In particular, time-differential amplitude and phase shift keying and frequency-differential amplitude and phase shift keying modulation methods are investigated. Symbol error rates are presented for data rates ranging from 4.3 to 20.6 kbit/s, where the system performances are limited by time-varying channel dispersion rather than by additive noise.
机译:本文研究了使用差分调制技术通过2.7 kHz语音信道带宽,通过近垂直入射的天波高频传播实现高速率数据传输的方法。在160 km的距离上使用100 W的发射功率,已测量了2.8至9.4 MHz频率范围内的信道特性。这些测量值用于表征仿真的信道状况,然后仿真器用于确定差分调制方法的性能。特别地,研究了时差幅度和相移键控以及频差幅度和相移键控调制方法。给出的误码率用于数据速率范围为4.3至20.6 kbit / s,其中系统性能受时变信道分散而不是附加噪声的限制。



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