首页> 外文期刊>IBM Journal of Research and Development >Archive storage system design for long-term storage of massive amounts of data

Archive storage system design for long-term storage of massive amounts of data


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A dramatic shift is underway in how organizations use computer storage. This shift will have a profound impact on storage system design. The requirement for storage of traditional transactional data is being supplemented by the necessity to store information for long periods. In 2005, a total of 2,700 petabytes of storage was allocated worldwide for information that required long-term retention, and this amount is expected to grow to an estimated 27,200 petabytes by 2010. In this paper, we review the requirements for long-term storage of data and describe an innovative approach for developing a highly scalable and flexible archive storage system using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. Such a system is expected to be capable of preserving data for decades, providing efficient policy-based management of the data, and allowing efficient search and access to data regardless of data content or location.
机译:组织使用计算机存储的方式正在发生巨大变化。这一转变将对存储系统设计产生深远影响。传统信息存储需求的补充是需要长时间存储信息。 2005年,全球总共分配了2700 PB的存储空间来存储需要长期保留的信息,到2010年,这一数量预计将增长到27200 PB。在本文中,我们将回顾长期存储的需求。数据,并描述了一种创新的方法,该方法使用商业现货(COTS)组件开发高度可扩展的灵活归档存储系统。期望这样的系统能够保存数十年的数据,提供基于数据的高效基于策略的管理,并且无论数据内容或位置如何,都可以高效地搜索和访问数据。



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