首页> 外文期刊>Nordic hydrology >Influence of snow ablation and frozen ground on spring runoff generation in the Mogot Experimental Watershed, southern mountainous taiga of eastern Siberia

Influence of snow ablation and frozen ground on spring runoff generation in the Mogot Experimental Watershed, southern mountainous taiga of eastern Siberia


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Snowmelt runoff is one of the most important discharge events in the southern mountainous taiga of eastern Siberia. The present study was conducted in order to understand the interannual variations in snowmelt infiltration into the frozen ground and in snowmelt runoff generation during the snowmelt period in the southern mountainous taiga in eastern Siberia. Analysis of the obtained data revealed the following: (1) snowmelt infiltration into the top 20 cm of frozen ground is important for evaluating snowmelt runoff generation because frozen ground absorbed from 22.9% (WY1983) to 61.5% (WY1981) of the maximum snow water equivalent. The difference in snowmelt infiltration for the two years appears to have been caused by the difference in snowmelt runoff generation; (2) the snowmelt runoff ratio increased with (ⅰ) increase in the fall soil moisture just before the soil surface froze and (ⅱ) increase in the maximum snow water equivalent. The above results imply that the parameters governing snowmelt infiltration in the boreal taiga region in eastern Siberia are fall soil moisture and the maximum snow water equivalent, as is the case in the simple model presented by Gray et al.
机译:融雪径流是西伯利亚东部南部山区针叶林最重要的排放事件之一。进行本研究是为了了解西伯利亚东部山区南部针叶林融雪期间融雪渗入冻土和融雪径流的年际变化。对获得的数据进行分析后发现:(1)融雪渗入冻土顶部20 cm对于评估融雪径流的产生很重要,因为冻土吸收的雪量占最大雪水的22.9%(WY1983)至61.5%(WY1981)。当量。两年来融雪入渗的差异似乎是由融雪径流产生的差异引起的。 (2)融雪径流比随(ⅰ)即将在土壤表面冻结之前的秋季土壤水分的增加和(ⅱ)最大雪水当量的增加而增加。上述结果表明,西伯利亚东部北部针叶林地区的融雪入渗控制参数是秋季土壤水分和最大雪水当量,这与Gray等人提出的简单模型一样。



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