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A comparison of curve number based methods for runoff estimation from small watersheds in a semi-arid region of India


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The performance of five curve number based methods, generally employed for estimation of runoff, viz. National Engineering Handbook (NEH-4), storm event (SE), rank order (RO), lognormal frequency (LF) and s-probability (SP), was evaluated using runoff data recorded from three small watersheds in a semi-arid region of India. The most effective and reliable curve number method for runoff estimation was selected based upon several tests of goodness of fit including coefficient of determination (R~2), index of agreement (D), root mean square error (RMSE) and relative bias (RB). The LF method was adjudged as the most promising curve number method for estimating runoff from small watersheds in the semi-arid regions of India. The runoff predicted by the LF method was in close agreement with the observed runoff for all four tests of goodness of fit. Though the performance of the SE, RO and NEH-4 methods was almost comparable to each other, the SP method registered higher deviation from the observed runoff values. From the analysis, it is concluded that the LF method can be successfully employed for estimation of curve number based runoff from small watersheds in the semi-arid regions of India.
机译:五种基于曲线数的方法的性能,通常用于估算径流量,即。使用从半干旱地区三个小流域记录的径流数据对《国家工程手册》(NEH-4),暴风雨事件(SE),等级顺序(RO),对数正态频率(LF)和s概率(SP)进行了评估印度。根据数个拟合优度检验,选择了最有效,最可靠的径流估算方法,包括测定系数(R〜2),一致性指数(D),均方根误差(RMSE)和相对偏差(RB)。 )。 LF方法被认为是估计印度半干旱地区小流域径流最有希望的曲线数方法。 LF方法预测的径流与所有四个拟合优度测试的观测到的径流紧密一致。尽管SE,RO和NEH-4方法的性能几乎可以相互媲美,但SP方法与观察到的径流值之间存在较大偏差。从分析中可以得出结论,LF方法可以成功地用于估算印度半干旱地区小流域的基于弯道数的径流。



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