首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Big fish, little divergence: phylogeography of Lake Tanganyika’s giant cichlid, Boulengerochromis microlepis

Big fish, little divergence: phylogeography of Lake Tanganyika’s giant cichlid, Boulengerochromis microlepis

机译:大鱼,几乎没有分歧:坦any尼喀湖的巨型丽鱼科植物Boulengerochromis microlepis的系统志

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The largely endemic cichlid species flocks of the East African Great Lakes are among the prime examples for explosive speciation and adaptive radiation. Speciation rates differ among cichlid lineages, and the propensity to radiate has been linked to intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as sexual selection and ecological opportunity. Remarkably, only one cichlid tribe—the Boulengerochromini—comprises just a single species, Boulengerochromis microlepis, a predominantly piscivorous endemic of Lake Tanganyika and the world’s largest cichlid. While the lineage diverged from its closest relatives at the onset of the Lake Tanganyika radiation >8MYA, mitochondrial control region sequences collected in this study dated the most recent common ancestor of B. microlepis to ~60–110KYA. There was no evidence of phylogeographic structure in the lake-wide sample. Patterns of genetic diversity and demographic analyses were consistent with slow and steady population growth throughout the reconstructed timescale. Additionally, the shallow divergence within the species may be related to a possibly large variance in reproductive success in this highly fecund species. Trophic niche space restriction by sympatric piscivores, lack of geographic structure, low potential for sexual selection arising from the monogamous mating system and extinction may have contributed to keeping the lineage monotypic.
机译:东非五大湖中大部分地方性的丽鱼科鱼种群是爆炸性物种形成和适应性辐射的主要例证。丽鱼科血统的物种形成率不同,辐射的倾向与内在和外在因素(例如性选择和生态机会)有关。值得注意的是,只有一个丽鱼科鱼类部落(Boulengerochromini)仅包含一个物种,即Boulengerochromis microlepis,这是坦any尼喀湖的主要食鱼性特有种,也是世界上最大的丽鱼科动物。当谱系在坦any尼喀湖辐射> 8MYA时开始与其近亲分离时,本研究中收集的线粒体控制区序列将最近的小双歧杆菌的祖先定为约60-110KYA。在整个湖水样本中没有植物地理结构的证据。在整个重建的时间尺度上,遗传多样性和人口统计分析的模式与人口的缓慢而稳定的增长相一致。另外,物种内的浅散度可能与该高繁殖力物种中繁殖成功的可能大差异有关。同伴食肉动物的营养位空间限制,缺乏地理结构,由一夫一妻制的交配系统引起的性选择潜力低以及灭绝可能有助于保持血统的单型性。



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