首页> 外文期刊>Human Studies >Enacted Others: Specifying Goffman's Phenomenological Omissions and Sociological Accomplishments

Enacted Others: Specifying Goffman's Phenomenological Omissions and Sociological Accomplishments


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Erving Goffman's distinctive contribution to an understanding of others was grounded in his information control and ritual models of the interaction process. This contribution centered on the forms of the interaction order rather than self-other relations as traditionally conceived in phenomenology. Goffman came to phenomenology as a sympathetic but critical outsider who sought resources for the sociological mining of the interaction order. His engagement with phenomenological thinkers (principally Gustav Ichheiser, Jean-Paul Sartre and Alfred Schutz) has to be understood in these terms. The article traces basic differences in analytical focus through a range of phenomenological critiques of Goffman and a comparison of salient aspects of Schutz's and Goffman's writings. While the contrasts have perhaps been overplayed, I conclude that Goffman's thinking about others probably owed more to his pragmatist roots than to his later encounters with phenomenology.
机译:欧文·高夫曼(Erving Goffman)对他人理解的独特贡献源于他的信息控制和互动过程的礼仪模型。这种贡献集中在交互顺序的形式上,而不是现象学传统上设想的自我-其他关系。戈夫曼以一种有同情心但又批判性的局外人来到现象学领域,他寻求资源来从社会学上挖掘相互作用的秩序。必须用这些术语来理解他与现象学思想家(主要是古斯塔夫·伊赫海塞尔,让·保罗·萨特和阿尔弗雷德·舒茨)的交往。本文通过对戈夫曼的一系列现象学批评以及对舒茨和戈夫曼著作的主要方面的比较,来分析分析重点的基本差异。尽管对比可能被夸大了,但我得出的结论是,戈夫曼对他人的思考可能更多地归功于他的实用主义根源,而不是他后来与现象学的相遇。



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