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Peter McHugh: A Memoir of the Passion of Theorizing

机译:彼得·麦克休(Peter McHugh):理论化激情的回忆录

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This paper is a personal and theoretic commemoration of Peter McHugh’s life and commitment through the prism of the writer’s discovery of, and involvement in, the effort from the late 1960s to diagnose and respond to “the failure of positivism” in sociology. Peter’s work (with that of Alan Blum) formed a central component of that effort. I trace the genealogy of Peter’s teaching and conversational practice, to his roots in ethnomethodology and his involvement with Harold Garfinkel. This is followed by an account of how Peter developed and transformed the ethnomethodological impulse, from the “uninterestingly” enforceable towards the invitation to share in the discovery and reconstruction of interest. The paper concludes by situating the time that is its focus, acknowledging the depth of Peter’s impact, and opening for future engagement the subsequent development of his work, in the context of various debates and questions (briefly alluded to) that form a part of the life of theorizing in the early twenty-first century.
机译:本文是对彼得·麦克休(Peter McHugh)的一生和理论上的个人和理论上的纪念,以纪念作者发现并参与1960年代后期在社会学中诊断和应对“实证主义的失败”的努力。彼得的作品(与艾伦·布鲁姆(Alan Blum)一起)构成了这一努力的核心部分。我追溯了彼得的教学和对话实践的家谱,追溯到他的民族方法论以及他与哈罗德·加芬克尔(Harold Garfinkel)的关系。其次,说明了彼得如何发展和转变了民族方法论的冲动,从“无趣的”可执行性转变为邀请共享发现和重建兴趣的邀请。本文的结尾是确定重点所在的时间,承认彼得的影响深远,并在构成辩论的一部分的各种辩论和问题(简短地提到)的背景下,为彼得的作品的后续发展开放以供将来参与。在二十一世纪初的理论生活。



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