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Has care giving become the new glass ceiling? A cross-cultural comparison of UK/US responses by lone parents with sole care-giving responsibilities


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This study of UK and US lone parents with sole care-giving responsibility for dependants (children, ageing parents, grandparents, etc.) focused on the influence, if any, this responsibility has on her/his ability to give 'total commitment' to their work/career. One hundred and thirty-four lone parents participated in the survey. Gender distribution was 64 per cent female, 36 per cent male. Country of residence was 25 per cent UK, 75 per cent US. Females report greater past than present hindrance to their careers (48 per cent past, 33 per cent present). Similarly situated males report career hindrance as 18 per cent past, 21 per cent present. Lone parents in the UK appear to be more negatively impacted upon in their job careers by their care-giving responsibility than their counterparts in the US and would also appear to be more concerned about their economic and emotional future. This survey confirms that care-giving responsibilities can limit the realization of employment potential for either female or male. Care-giving responsibilities, rather than gender or race, may be the glass ceiling of the new millennium.
机译:这项对英国和美国单亲父母对被抚养人(孩子,父母,父母,祖父母等)负有唯一照料责任的研究重点是影响(如果有的话),这种责任对她/他做出“全面承诺”的能力他们的工作/职业。 134个单亲父母参加了调查。性别分布为女性64%,男性36%。居住国为英国的25%,美国的75%。女性报告说,过去的阻碍比现在更大的阻碍(过去的48%,现在的33%)。处境类似的男性报告说,职业生涯的阻碍是过去的18%,现在的21%。与美国的同龄父母相比,英国的孤独父母似乎在照料工作上对他们的职业生涯造成了更大的负面影响,而且他们似乎更加担心自己的经济和情感前途。这项调查证实,照料责任会限制女性或男性的就业潜力。照料责任,而不是性别或种族,可能是新千年的玻璃天花板。



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