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Empowerment: through the smoke and past the mirrors?


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This paper offers a five-fold typology for empowerment, which is intended to make it easier to assess and develop empowerment initiatives in a climate where much rhetoric surrounds the term. A real-world organizational sketch for each type follows an initial theoretical description and aphorism. The implications for HRD practitioners of each type of empowerment are also outlined. No exclusive or definitional treatment is offered for what we feel to be an elastic term. Instead, the framework is held up as a potential catalyst for provoking ideas about empowerment, or grouping existing ideas on how to empower. We sympathize with those who feel the term is redundant because it has been subsumed by the 'developmental rhetoric' (Clutterbuck 1998), and recognize that such rhetoric can be a barrier to change and learning (Harrison 1997). Nonetheless, we argue that, instead of abandoning the term empowerment altogether, it can be beneficial to see what has been accomplished under the existing banner.
机译:本文提供了一种五种类型的赋权类型,旨在使在术语繁多的环境中更容易评估和制定赋权计划。每种类型的真实组织草图均遵循初始的理论描述和格言。还概述了每种授权类型对人力资源开发从业者的影响。对于我们认为是弹性的术语,没有提供排他性或定义性处理。取而代之的是,该框架被视为激发赋权观念或将现有赋权观念归为一类的潜在催化剂。我们对那些认为这个词是多余的人表示同情,因为这个词已经被“发展性修辞”所笼罩(Clutterbuck 1998),并且认识到这样的修辞可能成为改变和学习的障碍(Harrison 1997)。尽管如此,我们认为,与其完全放弃授权一词,不如看看在现有旗帜下已经取得的成就是有益的。



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