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East meets West: a case example of knowledge transfer


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This article highlights some of the similarities and differences in management theory and practice between the UK and the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and Central and East European (CEE) states. It does so in the context of a debate over the appropriateness and extent of cultural dominance in knowledge transfer of theory and practice, which has occurred during the last decade, and which is still unresolved. It reviews a scheme for knowledge transfer which offered a flexible structure within which the organizers could amend their material in the light of their growing experience with the way in which the scheme operated, and whereby they might avoid some of the mistakes of cultural dominance made within other schemes offered elsewhere. The Joint Industrial and Commercial Attachment Programme (JICAP), its structure, approach and some outcomes are outlined as a case example. Sponsored by the British Council to arrange visits by middle and senior managers from the post-command economies to the UK for intensive management training and work placement in an organization complementary to their home employment, JICAP was typical of the best Western thinking in management development of the time. The espousals and realities, the benefits and flaws in this approach are examined, drawing on the perceptions of the JICAP delegates themselves in terms of their personal and business development. Czarniawska's model of the travel of ideas (Czarniawska and Joerges 1996) is used as an organizing framework within which the problems of knowledge transfer, culturally dominant or maximally flexible, can be examined, and the underlying issues identified. This notion of flexibility, within which alternative perspectives can be negotiated and new meanings created, constitutes the main contribution proposed by this paper.
机译:本文重点介绍了英国与前苏联(FSU)和中东欧(CEE)国家之间在管理理论和实践上的一些异同。这样做是在过去十年来发生的,至今仍未解决的关于在理论和实践的知识转移中文化优势的适当性和程度的辩论的背景下进行的。它回顾了一个知识转移计划,该计划提供了一种灵活的结构,组织者可以根据其在该计划的运作方式方面的不断积累的经验来修改其资料,从而可以避免在其中所犯的文化主导地位的一些错误。其他地方提供的其他方案。作为案例,概述了联合工业和商业依恋计划(JICAP),其结构,方法和一些成果。 JICAP由英国文化协会(British Council)赞助,以安排来自后命令经济体的中高级管理人员访问英国,在与家庭就业相辅相成的组织中进行密集的管理培训和工作安置,JICAP是西方管理发展中最好的西方思想的典型代表。时间。结合JICAP代表本人在个人和业务发展方面的看法,研究了这种方法的本质,现实,利弊。 Czarniawska的思想传播模型(Czarniawska和Joerges 1996)被用作一个组织框架,可以在其中检查文化上占主导地位或最大灵活性的知识转移问题,并确定潜在的问题。这种灵活性的概念构成了本文提出的主要贡献,在这种灵活性中,可以协商其他观点并创造新的含义。



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