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Dependence of Anticipatory Changes in the Hand Muscle Activity and the Grip Force on the Height of the Fall when Catching a Falling Object


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The time course of changes in the hand muscle activity and the grip force before the hit of an object falling from different heights into a cup held between the thumb and the forefinger was analyzed in three variants of the experiment: (1) the subject saw the object falling; (2) the subject did not see the object falling but initiated the fall; and (3) the subject had no information on either the falling or its start. In the third variant, the muscle activity and the grip force changed in response to the object hitting the cup. In the second variant, the muscle activity and the grip force began to change 200-280 ms before the hit, this time being independent of height from which the object fell. In the first variant, the anticipatory changes began 150 ms after the object started falling and did not depend on the height of the falling within the rage 30—50 cm. If the object fell from a height of 70—105 cm, the changes in the muscle activity and the grip force began a fixed time before the object hit the cup, which did not depend on the height from which the object fell. Thus, when the object fall from small heights, the timing of the increase in the grip force was mainly determined by the moment when the object began moving; at large heights, the increase in the grip force was related to the presumed moment of the hit.
机译:在三个不同的实验中,分析了从不同高度的物体撞击到拇指和食指之间的杯子之前,手部肌肉活动和握力的变化的时程:(1)对象看到了物体掉落; (2)受试者没有看到物体掉落而是发起了跌倒; (3)受试者没有下落或开始的信息。在第三变型中,肌肉活动和抓握力响应于物体撞击杯子而改变。在第二个变体中,肌肉运动和抓地力在撞击前200-280毫秒开始变化,这次与物体掉落的高度无关。在第一个变体中,预期的变化在物体开始掉落150毫秒后开始,并且不依赖于30-50 cm范围内坠落的高度。如果物体从70-105 cm的高度掉落,则在物体撞击杯子之前的固定时间开始肌肉活动和抓地力的变化,这与物体掉落的高度无关。因此,当物体从小的高度掉落时,抓握力增加的时间主要由物体开始移动的时刻决定;在大高度时,抓地力的增加与推定的撞击时刻有关。



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