首页> 外文期刊>Human Genetics >Germline PKHD1 mutations are protective against colorectal cancer

Germline PKHD1 mutations are protective against colorectal cancer


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The autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) gene, PKHD1, has been implicated in the genesis or growth of colorectal adenocarcinoma, as a high level of somatic mutations was found in colorectal tumor tissue. To determine whether carriers of a single PKHD1 mutation are at increased risk of colorectal carcinoma, we assessed the prevalence of the commonest European mutation, T36M. First, we assayed a European cohort of ARPKD patients and found T36M was responsible for 13.1% of mutations. We then investigated two European cohorts with colorectal adenocarcinoma versus two control cohorts of similar age and gender. Screening for the most common PKHD1 mutation, T36M, we detected 15:3,603 (0.42%) controls versus 1:3,767 (0.027%) colorectal cancer individuals, indicating that heterozygous PKHD1 mutations are not a risk factor and are protective (p = 0.0002). We also show that the carriage rate for PKHD1 mutations in the European population is higher than previous accepted at 3.2% (1:31 genomes).
机译:常染色体隐性多囊肾疾病(ARPKD)基因PKHD1与大肠腺癌的发生或发展有关,因为在大肠肿瘤组织中发现了高水平的体细胞突变。为了确定单个PKHD1突变的携带者是否处于增加的大肠癌风险中,我们评估了最常见的欧洲突变T36M的患病率。首先,我们分析了一个欧洲ARPKD患者队列,发现T36M引起了13.1%的突变。然后,我们调查了两个欧洲大肠腺癌队列与两个年龄和性别相似的对照队列。筛选最常见的PKHD1突变T36M,我们检测到15:3,603(0.42%)对照与1:3,767(0.027%)的结直肠癌个体,表明杂合性PKHD1突变不是危险因素,并且具有保护性(p = 0.0002) 。我们还表明,欧洲人群中PKHD1突变的携带率高于以前接受的3.2%(1:31基因组)。



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