首页> 外文期刊>Human Genetics >A novel locus for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis maps to chromosome 16q24.1-24.3

A novel locus for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis maps to chromosome 16q24.1-24.3


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Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) is an uncommon autosomal dominant keratinization disorder with genetic heterogeneity characterized by multiple superficial keratotic lesions surrounded by a slightly raised keratotic border. Thus far, there have been three susceptible loci determined for DSAP and one locus for disseminated superficial porokeratosis (DSP), i.e. 12q23.2-24.1, 15q25.1-26.1, 1p31.3-p31.1 and 18p11.3. Moreover, the locus for porokeratosis palmaris plantaris et disseminata (PPPD) was mapped to 12q24.1-24.2, which overlapped with the first DSAP locus. Following the exclusion of these known loci in a four-generation Chinese DSAP family, we performed a genome-wide linkage analysis and identified a new locus on chromosome 16q24.1-24.3. The maximum two-point LOD score of 3.73 was obtained with the marker D16S3074 at a recombination fraction θ of 0.00. Haplotype analysis defined the critical 17.4-cM region for DSAP between D16S3091 and D16S413. This is regarded to be the forth locus for DSAP (DSAP4). ATP2C1 was sequenced as a candidate gene, however, no mutation was found. Further investigation for the genetic basis of DSAP is under way.
机译:弥漫性浅表性光化性角化病(DSAP)是一种罕见的常染色体显性角化病,具有遗传异质性,特征是多个浅表性角化病灶被略微升高的角化病边界包围。迄今为止,已经确定了三个用于DSAP的易感基因座,一个用于弥散性浅表性角化病(DSP)的基因座,即12q23.2-24.1、15q25.1-26.1、1p31.3-p31.1和18p11.3。此外,棕榈角化病等病的传播地点(PPPD)被定位到12q24.1-24.2,与第一个DSAP地点重叠。在四代中国DSAP家族中排除了这些已知基因座后,我们进行了全基因组连锁分析,并在16q24.1-24.3染色体上鉴定了一个新基因座。用标记D16S3074在重组分数θ为0.00时获得的最大两点LOD得分为3.73。单倍型分析定义了D16S3091和D16S413之间DSAP的关键17.4-cM区域。这被认为是DSAP(DSAP4)的第四位。 ATP2C1被测序为候选基因,但是未发现突变。 DSAP遗传基础的进一步研究正在进行中。



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