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Genome-wide linkage and peak-wide association study of obesity-related quantitative traits in Caribbean Hispanics


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Although obesity is more prevalent in Hispanics than non-Hispanic whites in the United States, little is known about the genetic etiology of the related traits in this population. To identify genetic loci influencing obesity in non-Mexican Hispanics, we performed a genome-wide linkage scan in 1,390 subjects from 100 Caribbean Hispanic families on six obesity-related quantitative traits: body mass index (BMI), body weight, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, abdominal and average triceps skinfold thickness after adjusting for significant demographic and lifestyle factors. We then carried out an association analysis of the linkage peaks and the FTO gene in an independent community-based Hispanic subcohort (N = 652, 64% Caribbean Hispanics) from the Northern Manhattan Study. Evidence of linkage was strongest on 1q43 with multipoint LOD score of 2.45 (p = 0.0004) for body weight. Suggestive linkage evidence of LOD > 2.0 was also identified on 1q43 for BMI (LOD = 2.03), 14q32 for abdominal skinfold thickness (LOD = 2.17), 16p12 for BMI (LOD = 2.27) and weight (LOD = 2.26), and 16q23–24 for average triceps skinfold thickness (LOD = 2.32). In the association analysis of 6,440 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) under 1-LOD unit down regions of our linkage peaks on chromosome 1q43 and 16p12 as well as in the FTO gene, we found that two SNPs (rs6665519 and rs669231) on 1q43 and one FTO SNP (rs12447427) were significantly associated with BMI or body weight after adjustment for multiple testing. Our results suggest that in addition to FTO, multiple genetic loci, particularly those on 1q43 region, may contribute to the variations in obesity-related quantitative traits in Caribbean Hispanics.
机译:尽管肥胖症在西班牙裔美国人中比非西班牙裔白人更为普遍,但对该人群相关性状的遗传病因知之甚少。为了确定影响非墨西哥裔西班牙人肥胖的遗传基因座,我们对来自100个加勒比西班牙裔家庭的1,390名受试者进行了全基因组连锁扫描,研究了六个与肥胖相关的量化特征:体重指数(BMI),体重,腰围,腰围臀比,腹部和肱三头肌平均褶皱厚度(针对重要的人口统计学和生活方式因素进行调整后)。然后,我们对北部曼哈顿研究的一个独立的基于社区的西班牙裔亚人群(N = 652,64%的加勒比海西班牙裔)进行了连锁峰和FTO基因的关联分析。连锁的证据在1q43上最强,体重的多点LOD得分为2.45(p = 0.0004)。在Bq的1q43(LOD = 2.03),腹部皮褶厚度(LOD = 2.17),14q32的Bq(LOD = 2.27)和体重(LOD = 2.26)和体重(LOD = 2.26)以及14qq的16q23上也发现了LOD> 2.0的暗示性连锁证据。平均三头肌皮褶厚度为24(LOD = 2.32)。在对1q43和16p12染色体以及FTO基因的连锁峰的1-LOD单元向下区域下的6,440个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的关联分析中,我们发现1q43上的两个SNP(rs6665519和rs669231)和一个经过多次测试调整后,FTO SNP(rs12447427)与BMI或体重显着相关。我们的结果表明,除了FTO外,多个遗传基因位点,尤其是位于1q43区域的基因位点,可能会导致加勒比海西班牙裔肥胖相关的定量性状发生变化。



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