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Partial correlation network analyses to detect altered gene interactions in human disease: using preeclampsia as a model


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Differences in gene expression between cases and controls have been identified for a number of human diseases. However, the underlying mechanisms of transcriptional regulation remain largely unknown. Beyond comparisons of absolute or relative expression levels, disease states may be associated with alterations in the observed correlational patterns among sets of genes. Here we use partial correlation networks aiming to compare the transcriptional co-regulation for 222 genes that are differentially expressed in decidual tissues between preeclampsia (PE) cases and non-PE controls. Partial correlation coefficients (PCCs) have been calculated in cases (N = 37) and controls (N = 58) separately. For all PCCs, we tested if they were significant non-zero in the cases and controls separately. In addition, to examine if a given PCC is different between the cases and controls, we tested if the difference between two PCCs were significant non-zero. In the group with PE cases, only five PCCs were significant (FDR p value ≤ 0.05), of which none were significantly different from the PCCs in the controls. However, in the controls we identified a total of 56 statistically significant PCCs (FDR p value ≤ 0.05), of which 31 were also significantly different (FDR p value ≤ 0.05) from the PCCs in the PE cases. The identified partial correlation networks included genes that are potentially relevant for developing PE, including both known susceptibility genes (EGFL7, HES1) and novel candidate genes (CFH, NADSYN1, DBP, FIGLA). Our results might suggest that disturbed interactions, or higher order relationships between these genes play an important role in developing the disease.
机译:对于许多人类疾病,已经确定了病例和对照之间基因表达的差异。但是,转录调控的基本机制仍是未知之数。除了绝对或相对表达水平的比较之外,疾病状态可能与基因组之间观察到的相关模式的改变有关。在这里,我们使用部分相关网络,旨在比较子痫前期(PE)病例和非PE对照在蜕膜组织中差异表达的222个基因的转录共调控。分别计算了病例(N = 37)和对照(N = 58)的偏相关系数(PCC)。对于所有PCC,我们分别测试了它们在案例和控件中是否为非零显着。另外,为了检查案例和对照之间的给定PCC是否不同,我们测试了两个PCC之间的差异是否为非零的显着性。在PE病例组中,只有5个PCC是显着的(FDR p值≤0.05),与对照组中的PCC没有显着差异。但是,在对照中,我们确定了总共56个统计学上显着的PCC(FDR p值≤0.05),其中31个也与PE病例中的PCC有显着差异(FDR p值≤0.05)。鉴定出的部分相关网络包括与发展PE潜在相关的基因,包括已知的易感基因(EGFL7,HES1)和新的候选基因(CFH,NADSYN1,DBP,FIGLA)。我们的结果可能表明,这些基因之间的相互作用紊乱或更高阶的关系在疾病发展中起着重要作用。



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