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Regions of homozygosity and their impact on complex diseases and traits


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Regions of homozygosity (ROHs) are more abundant in the human genome than previously thought. These regions are without heterozygosity, i.e. all the genetic variations within the regions have two identical alleles. At present there are no standardized criteria for defining the ROHs resulting in the different studies using their own criteria in the analysis of homozygosity. Compared to the era of genotyping microsatellite markers, the advent of high-density single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping arrays has provided an unparalleled opportunity to comprehensively detect these regions in the whole genome in different populations. Several studies have identified ROHs which were associated with complex phenotypes such as schizophrenia, late-onset of Alzheimer’s disease and height. Collectively, these studies have conclusively shown the abundance of ROHs larger than 1 Mb in outbred populations. The homozygosity association approach holds great promise in identifying genetic susceptibility loci harboring recessive variants for complex diseases and traits.
机译:人类基因组中的纯合子(ROHs)区域比以前认为的要丰富。这些区域没有杂合性,即区域内的所有遗传变异具有两个相同的等位基因。目前,尚无用于定义纯合子的标准化标准,这些纯合子用于分析纯合子时使用其自身的标准进行不同的研究。与基因分型微卫星标记的时代相比,高密度单核苷酸多态性基因分型阵列的出现提供了无与伦比的机会,可以在不同人群的整个基因组中全面检测这些区域。几项研究已经确定了与复杂表型有关的ROH,例如精神分裂症,阿尔茨海默氏病的晚期发作和身高。总体而言,这些研究最终证明了远亲种群中ROH的数量大于1 Mb。纯合性关联方法在鉴定具有隐性变体的复杂疾病和性状的遗传易感基因座方面具有广阔的前景。



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