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Trunk Muscle Use during Pulling Tasks: Effects of a Lifting Belt and Footing Conditions


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Pulling tasks require the torso to act as a rigid link in order to facilitate the force transmission between the ground and the hands. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a lifting belt increases the rigidity of the torso, thereby increasing pulling strength or reducing trunk muscle forces, or both, as pulling tasks are performed. Twelve volunteers performed maximal and submaximal isometric pulling exertions; the latter were performed on nonslippery and slippery sur- faces. Electromyographic data from 8 trunk muscles, trunk kinematic data, and ground reaction forces were samples during each exertion.
机译:拉动任务需要躯干充当刚性连杆,以便于在地面和手之间传递力。在这项研究中,我们测试了以下假设:在执行牵拉任务时,提升带会增加躯干的刚度,从而提高牵拉强度或减小躯干肌肉力量,或同时降低两者。 12名志愿者进行了最大和次最大的等距拉动作。后者在不光滑和光滑的表面上进行。在每次锻炼过程中,均采集了来自8条躯干肌的肌电数据,躯干运动学数据和地面反作用力。



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