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The Effects of Complex Wrist and Forearm Posture on Wrist Range of Motion


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Previous research on wrist functionality has focused almost entirely on range of motion (ROM) in 2 or 3 isolated planes (flexion/extension, radial/ulnar devia- tion, and forearm pronation/supination), without investigating the potential effects of complex wrist/forearm posture on ROM. A quantitative analysis of these effects on wrist ROM was performed. ROM was measured in one plane using both a manual method and an electrogoniometer while the participant maintained a fixed, secondary wrist and forearm posture. The study revealed that combinations of wrist/forearm postures have significant effects on wrist ROM; the largest effects are those of wrist flexion/extension on radial deviation ROM. The study also found that, consistent with previous research, wrist devia- tion measurements obtained with an electrogoniometer were significantly different from those obtained manually Biomechanical theories for the results obtained are discussed. This research could be used to enhance ergonomic evaluation techniques by providing a more accurate risk assessment of certain complex wrist postures, particularly those in which wrist flexion/extension is combined with radial deviation.
机译:先前关于腕部功能的研究几乎完全集中在2或3个孤立平面(屈曲/伸展,radial骨/尺骨偏斜和前臂内旋/旋前)的运动范围(ROM),而没有研究复杂手腕/ ROM上的前臂姿势。对这些对腕部ROM的影响进行了定量分析。使用手动方法和电子测角计在一个平面上测量ROM,同时参与者保持固定的次要手腕和前臂姿势。研究表明,腕部/前臂姿势的组合对腕部ROM有显着影响。最大的影响是腕部弯曲/伸展对径向偏差ROM的影响。该研究还发现,与先前的研究一致,用电子测角计获得的腕部变形测量值与人工获得的测量值显着不同。通过为某些复杂的腕部姿势提供更准确的风险评估,尤其是那些腕部弯曲/伸展与radial骨偏移相结合的姿势,该研究可用于增强人体工程学评估技术。



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