首页> 外文期刊>Human Factors >The Effect of Personality Type on Muscle Coactivation during Elbow Flexion

The Effect of Personality Type on Muscle Coactivation during Elbow Flexion


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A great deal of interest has been generated recently regarding the influence that psychosocial factors may have on the reporting of and disability associated with work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The current study considers the potential influence of one psychosocial factor -- personality type on basic neuromuscular control strategies and biomechanical loading. The study investigated the hypothe- sis that Type A people exhibit increased muscular antagonism relative to their Type B counter Parts. Volunteers participated in an EME-based biomechanical study to investigate the coactivation pattems of the major muscles that span the elbow joint during elbow flexion exertions. Results showed that, averaging across all conditions, the antagonist muscle activity was significantly higher for Type A individuals than for their Type B counterparts (l0/100 of maximum for Type. A, 5.5/100 of maximum for Type B). Although the study was somewhat limited in its size and scope, the results indicate that certain psychosocial factors may be more than a filter in postinjury response and may directly influence biomechanical loading. A potential application of this research is an increased awareness that certain individuals may be at greater risk of developing work-related musculo- skeletal disorders.
机译:最近,关于社会心理因素可能对与工作有关的肌肉骨骼疾病的报告和与之相关的影响产生了浓厚的兴趣。当前的研究考虑了一种心理社会因素-人格类型对基本神经肌肉控制策略和生物力学负荷的潜在影响。这项研究调查了以下假设:A型人群相对于B型对应部位显示出更高的肌肉拮抗作用。志愿者参加了一项基于EME的生物力学研究,以研究屈肘运动过程中跨过肘关节的主要肌肉的共激活模式。结果表明,在所有条件下,平均而言,A型个体的拮抗肌活性明显高于B型对应物(A型最大值为10/100,B型最大值为5.5 / 100)。尽管这项研究的规模和范围受到一定程度的限制,但结果表明,某些心理社会因素可能不仅仅是损伤后反应的过滤器,而且可能直接影响生物力学负荷。这项研究的潜在应用是提高人们的认识,即某些人可能更容易患上与工作有关的肌肉骨骼疾病。



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