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Costs and Benefits of More Learner Freedom: Meta-Analyses of Exploratory and Learner Control Training Methods


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Objective: Individual meta-analyses were conducted for six training methods as part of a U.S. Army basic research project The objective was to identify evidence-based guidelines for the effectiveness of each training method, under different moderating conditions, for cognitive skill transfer in adult learning. Results and implications for two of these training methods, learner control (LC) and exploratory learning (EL), are discussed. LC provides learners with active control over training variables. EL requires learners to discover relationships and interactions between variables. Background: There is mixed evidence on the effectiveness of both LC and EL learning methods on transfer relative to more guided training methods. Cognitive load theory (CLT) provides a basis for predicting that training strategies that manage intrinsic load of a task during training and minimize extraneous load will avail more resources that can be devoted to learning. Method: Meta-analyses were conducted using a Hedges's g analysis of effect sizes. Control conditions with little to no learner freedom were contrasted with treatment conditions manipulating more learner freedom. Results: Overall more LC was no different from training with limited or no learner control, and more EL was less effective than limited or no exploration; however, each can be effective under certain conditions. Both strategies have been more effective for cognitive skill learning than for knowledge recall tasks. LC exhibited more benefit to very near transfer, whereas EL's benefit was to far transfer. Conclusion: Task type, transfer test, and transfer distance moderate the overall transfer cost of more learner freedom. Application: The findings are applicable to the development of instructional design guidelines for the use of LC and EL in adult skill training.
机译:目的:作为美国陆军基础研究项目的一部分,对六种训练方法进行了单独的荟萃分析。目的是确定基于证据的指南,以指导每种训练方法在不同的调节条件下的有效性,以用于成人学习中的认知技能转移。讨论了其中两种培训方法(学习者控制(LC)和探索性学习(EL))的结果和含义。 LC为学习者提供了对训练变量的主动控制。 EL要求学习者发现变量之间的关系和相互作用。背景:相对于更多的指导性培训方法,关于LC和EL学习方法对转移的有效性有混合的证据。认知负荷理论(CLT)为预测在训练过程中管理任务的固有负荷并使外部负荷最小化的训练策略将利用可用于学习的更多资源提供了基础。方法:使用效应大小的Hedges g分析进行荟萃分析。几乎没有学习者自由的控制条件与操纵更多学习者自由的治疗条件形成对照。结果:总的来说,更多的LC与没有或没有学习者控制的训练没有什么不同,更多的EL比有限或没有探索的效果差。但是,每种方法都可以在某些条件下有效。与认知回忆任务相比,这两种策略对认知技能的学习都更为有效。 LC对非常近的转移表现出更多的好处,而EL对远距离的转移有好处。结论:任务类型,转移测试和转移距离减轻了学习者自由度的总体转移成本。应用:研究结果适用于制定在成人技能培训中使用LC和EL的教学设计指南。



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