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Musculoskeletal Pain and Reported Workplace Assault: A Prospective Study of Clinical Staff in Nursing Homes


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Objective: This study examined prospectively the effect of workplace violence on musculoskeletal symptoms among nursing home workers. Background: Previously we reported a cross-sectional relationship between physical assaults at work and musculoskeletal pain. This follow-up provides stronger evidence of the effect of workplace violence on musculoskeletal outcomes within the same workforce over two years. Method: Nursing home workers who responded to three consecutive annual surveys formed the study cohort (n = 344). The outcomes were any musculoskeletal pain, widespread pain, pain intensity, pain interference with work and sleep, and co-occurring pain with depression. The main predictor was self-reported physical assault at work during the 3 months preceding each survey. Prevalence ratios (PRs) were assessed with log-binomial regression, adjusting for other workplace and individual factors. Results: Every fourth nursing home worker, and 34% of nursing aides, reported persistent workplace assault over the 2 years. Among respondents assaulted frequently, two thirds experienced moderate to extreme musculoskeletal pain, and more than 50% had pain interfering with work and/or sleep. Baseline exposure to assault predicted pain outcomes 1 year later. Repeated exposure was associated with a linear increase over 2 years in the risks of pain intensity, interference with work, and interference with sleep; co-occurring pain and depression had an adjusted PR of 3.6 (95% Cl = 1.7-7.9). Conclusion: Workplace assault, especially when repeated over time, increases the risk of pain that may jeopardize workers' ability to remain employed. Application: More effective assault prevention would protect and support the workforce needed to care for our increasing elderly and disabled population.
机译:目的:本研究前瞻性地研究了工作场所暴力对疗养院工作人员的肌肉骨骼症状的影响。背景:以前,我们报道了工作中的身体攻击与肌肉骨骼疼痛之间的横断面关系。这项随访提供了有力的证据,证明了工作场所暴力在两年内对同一员工的肌肉骨骼结局的影响。方法:对连续三个年度调查做出回应的疗养院工作人员组成了研究队列(n = 344)。结果是任何肌肉骨骼疼痛,广泛的疼痛,疼痛强度,对工作和睡眠的疼痛干扰以及抑郁症的共同发生疼痛。主要预测因素是每次调查前三个月内工作中自我报告的身体攻击。通过对数二项式回归评估患病率(PR),并针对其他工作场所和个人因素进行调整。结果:在过去的两年中,每四分之一的疗养院工作人员和34%的护理助手报告了持续的工作场所袭击事件。在经常受到殴打的受访者中,三分之二经历了中度至极端的肌肉骨骼疼痛,超过50%的疼痛会干扰工作和/或睡眠。基线遭受攻击会在一年后预测疼痛结果。重复暴露与疼痛强度,干扰工作和干扰睡眠的风险在2年内呈线性增加有关。并发的疼痛和抑郁症的调整后PR为3.6(95%Cl = 1.7-7.9)。结论:工作场所的袭击,特别是随着时间的推移而反复发作,会增加痛苦的风险,这可能会危害工人的继续就业能力。应用:更有效的预防袭击将保护和支持照顾我们不断增长的老年人和残疾人所需的劳动力。



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