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Self-Conscious Emotions and Esteem Support: The Effectiveness of Esteem Support in Alleviating State Shame and Guilt


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This experiment examines state shame and guilt responses to esteem support messages, testing predictions derived from the cognitive-emotional theory of esteem support messages (CETESM). Participants (N=852) chose one of eight hypothetical scenarios designed to induce shame and/or guilt. Next, participants were directed to a randomization of emotion-focused (EF) and problem-focused (PF) esteem support messages and were asked to rate how the message would affect their feelings of state shame and state guilt. EF messages were expected to alleviate feelings of shame more so than guilt, but results indicated that they did not consistently do so. However, as expected, PF messages were rated as more likely to alleviate feelings of guilt (in five of eight scenarios) than shame. When comparing the messages to each other, EF messages were rated as better at alleviating both shame and guilt compared to PF messages. Theoretical and pragmatic implications are discussed.
机译:该实验审查了尊重支持信息的状态耻辱和内疚响应,从尊重尊重信仰的认知情感理论(CETESM)中的测试预测。 参与者(n = 852)选择了八个假设场景中的一个,旨在诱导羞耻和/或内疚。 接下来,参与者被引导到情绪为中心(EF)和焦点的随机化(PF)尊重支持信息,并被要求评估该信息如何影响他们的状态羞耻和国家内疚感。 EF消息预计比内疚更容易缓解羞耻感,但结果表明他们并没有一致这样做。 然而,正如预期的那样,PF消息被评为更有可能减轻内疚感(在八种情况中的五个方案中)而不是羞耻。 在将消息与彼此进行比较时,与PF消息相比,EF消息更好地减少了耻辱和内疚。 讨论了理论和务实的影响。



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