首页> 外文期刊>Human and ecological risk assessment >Spatial patterns, hotspot, and risk assessment of heavy metals in different land uses of urban soils (case study: Malayer city)

Spatial patterns, hotspot, and risk assessment of heavy metals in different land uses of urban soils (case study: Malayer city)

机译:城市土壤不同土地利用方式中重金属的空间格局,热点和风险评估(案例研究:Malayer city)

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A study on identification of hotspots, spatial patterns, and risk evaluation of heavy metals in urban soils of Malayer city (Iran) was carried out. Fifty-nine composite surface soil samples were collected from six different land uses (urban parks, streets, and squares, boulevards, residential and agricultural areas) in Malayer city, and the total heavy metals were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Average concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn, As, Cd, and Pb were 0.66, 15.51, 12.25, and 96.8mg/kg, respectively. Among the six land uses, heavy metal contamination was heavier for street, while low contamination could be found for residential and urban parks. The spatial distribution of Pb in surface soil was similar to those of Cd, and Cu was similar to those of Zn with decreasing values from the central areas to the suburb. Also, there were several hotspots for studied heavy metals that Cd and Pb were mainly occurred in locations of heavy traffic in the city center and Cu and Zn in the west and northwestern in the city. The calculated result of risk evaluation showed that much of the city suffered from moderate to severe pollution by four of these heavy metals.
机译:开展了对伊朗马勒市城市土壤中热点的识别,空间格局及重金属风险评估的研究。从马勒市的六个不同土地用途(城市公园,街道和广场,林荫大道,住宅和农业地区)收集了59个复合表层土壤样品,并通过原子吸收光谱法测量了重金属总量。 Cd,Pb,Cu和Zn,As,Cd和Pb的平均浓度分别为0.66、15.51、12.25和96.8mg / kg。在这六种土地用途中,街道上的重金属污染较重,而住宅和城市公园的污染较轻。表层土壤中Pb的空间分布与Cd相似,而Cu与Zn相似,且从中部到郊区的值均减小。此外,还有一些研究重金属的热点,其中Cd和Pb主要发生在市中心交通繁忙的地区,而Cu和Zn则位于城市的西部和西北部。风险评估的计算结果表明,该市大部分地区都受到其中四种重金属的中度至重度污染。



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