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Eighth Circuit Upholds Prepayment Restrictions on Section 515 Housing In Conflict with Other Court Rulings


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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit has upheld prepayment restrictions on Section 515 rural rental housing mortgages imposed by the Emergency Low-Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 (ELIHPA), a ruling that conflicts with other federal court decisions on the, owners' right to prepay. (Charleston Housing Authority, v. U. S. Department of Agriculture, No. 04-1884,, No. 04-2620, 2005 WL 1981310 (8th.Cir. Mo.), August 18, 2005) The appeals court also upheld the decision of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri that the Charleston, Mo., Housing Authority (CHA) violated the Fair Housing Act by discriminating against African-Americans with its plan to demolish the 50 low-income housing units in the Charleston Apartments project. The circuit court remanded the fair housing decision to the lower court to update the injunctive relief that it had granted the plaintiffs, due to the time elapsed since the district court ruling. The circuit court suggested considering alternative proposals for redeveloping the complex in ways that could affirmatively further fair housing.
机译:美国第八巡回上诉法院维持了1987年《紧急低收入房屋保全法案》(ELIHPA)对第515条农村出租房屋抵押所规定的预付款限制,该裁决与联邦法院关于房主的其他裁决有冲突。预付款权。 (Charleston Housing Authority,诉美国农业部,第04-1884号,第04-2620号,2005年,WL 1981310(密苏里州,第八届),2005年8月18日)。上诉法院也维持了美国密苏里州东区地方法院,密苏里州的查尔斯顿住房管理局(CHA)违反了《公平住房法》,歧视了非裔美国人,该计划拆除了查尔斯顿公寓项目中的50个低收入住房单元。巡回法院将公平住房裁决退给下级法院,以更新其授予原告的禁制令救济,因为自地方法院作出裁决以来已经过了一段时间。巡回法院建议考虑以其他方式重新开发综合大楼的提议,以肯定地促进公平住房的方式。



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