首页> 外文期刊>The holocene >On the transition from hunting-gathering to food production in NE Morocco as inferred from archeological Phorcus turbinatus shells

On the transition from hunting-gathering to food production in NE Morocco as inferred from archeological Phorcus turbinatus shells


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Processes behind the shift from hunting-gathering to food production lifestyle are multifaceted and not yet completely understood. The Mediterranean coast of NW Africa provides an eclectic transitional pattern, namely, a very hesitant transition to food production. The distribution and abundance of early Neolithic domesticated species is disparate and region specific. Climate and environmental change have been often considered as an important influencing factor for this transition. This hypothesis was tested using archeological shells of the rocky intertidal gastropod Phorcus turbinatus recovered from the Ifri Oudadane site in NE Morocco. The oxygen isotope composition (δ~(18)O) of the shell was used to examine whether the hesitant transition to food production was linked to a local climate shift in the Mediterranean Maghreb. Intrashell δ~(18)O values suggest a marked temperature increase from >7.6 to ~7.0 cal. ka BP, the time when Neolithic innovations first appear on site. An additional increase in temperature from ~7.0 to <6.8 cal. ka BP matches with the beginning of the main occupation phase and the doubtless breakthrough of cultivation at Ifri Oudadane. This apparent warming trend, although considered preliminary, seems to match well with warming tendency observed in several published regional climate proxies. Therefore, a temperature shift may have played a role in the timing and implementation of food production in the area. Last growth episode δ~(18)O values suggest that shellfish were harvested throughout most of the year, with noticeable intensification during the cooler half of the year. This preliminary pattern was fairly consistent throughout the Epipaleolithic and early Neolithic phases, pointing to a probable near year-round site occupation rather than a single season settlement. Future research on Ifri Oudadane and other NW African archeological records are much needed to assess whether these patterns persist in Morocco and other Epipaleolithic and early Neolithic settlements in the western Mediterranean Maghreb.
机译:从狩猎聚会到粮食生产生活方式的转变背后的过程是多方面的,尚未完全理解。非洲西北部的地中海沿岸提供了折衷的过渡模式,即非常犹豫的向食品生产的过渡。早期新石器时代驯化物种的分布和丰度是完全不同的并且是区域特定的。人们通常认为气候和环境变化是这一转变的重要影响因素。这个假说是使用从摩洛哥东北部Ifri Oudadane地点回收的潮间带腹足纲岩石比目鱼Phorcus turbinatus的考古贝壳进行检验的。壳的氧同位素组成(δ〜(18)O)用于检查向食物生产的犹豫过渡是否与地中海马格里布的局部气候变化有关。壳内δ〜(18)O值表明温度从> 7.6到〜7.0 cal明显升高。 ka BP,新石器时代的创新第一次出现在现场。温度从〜7.0额外升高到<6.8 cal。 ka BP与主要占领阶段的开始以及Ifri Oudadane无疑的种植突破相吻合。这种明显的变暖趋势虽然被认为是初步的,但似乎与在一些已发布的区域气候代理中观察到的变暖趋势非常吻合。因此,温度变化可能在该地区食品生产的时间安排和实施中发挥了作用。上一生长时期的δ〜(18)O值表明,一年中的大部分时间都收获贝类,而在下半年的较冷期中贝类的集约化程度明显。整个新石器时代和新石器时代初期,这种初步模式是相当一致的,这表明可能是全年附近的遗址占领,而不是单一季节的定居。非常需要对Ifri Oudadane和其他西北非洲考古记录进行进一步的研究,以评估摩洛哥马格里布西部的摩洛哥以及其他旧石器时代和新石器时代早期定居点是否仍然存在。



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