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Failure of Polycythemia-Induced Increase in Arterial Oxygen Content to Suppress the Anorexic Effect of Simulated High Altitude in the Adult Rat


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Norese, Maria F., Christian E. Lezon, Rosa M. Alippi, Maria P. Martinez, Maria I. Conti, and Carlos E. Bozzini. Failure of polycythemia-induced increase in arterial oxygen content to suppress the anorexic effect of simulated high altitude in the adult rat. High Alt Med Biol 3:49-57, 2002.? The anorexic effect of exposure to high altitude may be related to the reduction in the arterial oxygen content (Cao_2) induced by hypoxemia and possibly the associated decreased con-vective oxygen transport (COT). This study was then performed to evaluate the effects of either transfusion-induced polycythemia or previous acclimation to hypobaria with endogenously induced polycythemia on the anorexic effect of simulated high altitude (SHA) in adult female rats. Food consumption, expressed in g/d/100 g body weight, was reduced by 40% in rats exposed to 506 mbar for 4 d, as compared to control rats maintained in room air. Transfusion polycythemia, which significantly increased hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, Cao_2, and COT, did not change the anorexic response to the exposure to hypobaric air. Depression of food intake during exposure to SHA also occurred in rats fasted during 31 h before exposure and allowed to eat ad libitum for 2 h during exposure. Body mass loss was similar in 48-h fasted rats that were either hypoxic or normoxic. Body mass loss was similar in normoxic and hypoxic rats, the former eating the amount of food freely eaten by the latter. Hypoxia-acclimated rats with endogenously induced polycythemia taken to SHA again had diminished food intake and lost body mass at rates that were very close to those found in nonacclimated ones. Exposure to SHA also led to a decrease in food consumption, body weight, and plasma leptin in adult female mice. Analysis of data suggest that body mass loss that accompanies SHA-induced hypoxia is due to hypophagia and that experimental manipulation of the blood oxygen transport capacity cannot ameliorate it. Leptin does not appear to be an inducer of the anorexic response to hypoxia, at least in mice and rats.
机译:Norese,Maria F.,Christian E.Lezon,Rosa M.Alippi,Maria P.Martinez,Maria I.Conti和Carlos E.Bozzini。红细胞增多症诱导的动脉血氧含量增加未能抑制成年大鼠模拟高海拔的厌食症。 High Alt Med Biol 3:49-57,2002.?暴露于高海拔的厌食症效应可能与低氧血症引起的动脉血氧含量(Cao_2)降低有关,并且可能与对流氧转运(COT)降低有关。然后进行该研究以评估输血诱导的红细胞增多症或先前适应内源性诱导的红细胞增多症的血红素减少对成年雌性大鼠模拟高海拔(SHA)的厌食作用的影响。与保持在室内空气中的对照大鼠相比,在506 mbar暴露4 d的大鼠中,以g / d / 100 g体重表示的食物消耗减少了40%。输血性红细胞增多症可显着增加血细胞比容,血红蛋白浓度,Cao_2和COT,但不会改变对暴露于低压空气的厌食反应。暴露于SHA期间在禁食前31小时内禁食的大鼠中也会发生食物摄入下降,并且在暴露期间可随意进食2 h。禁食或缺氧的48小时禁食大鼠的体重减轻相似。常氧和低氧大鼠的体重减轻相似,前者摄入的量为后者自由摄入的量。缺氧适应的内源性诱发性红细胞增多症大鼠再次进入SHA后,食物摄入减少,体重下降,其速度非常接近未适应大鼠。暴露于SHA还会导致成年雌性小鼠的食物消耗,体重和血浆瘦素减少。数据分析表明,伴随SHA引起的缺氧引起的体重减轻是由于吞咽不足而引起的,血液氧转运能力的实验性操纵无法缓解这种现象。至少在小鼠和大鼠中,瘦素似乎不是对缺氧的厌食反应的诱导剂。



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