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Which Households Are At Risk Of Catastrophic Health Spending: Experience In Thailand After Universal Coverage


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The impact of the universal coverage policy implementation in Thailand is demonstrated by the declining incidence of catastrophic health spending among Thai households—particularly among the poor. The households who remain at risk of catastrophe, as defined here, are better-off households, because of their preference for using private facilities. Others with increased likelihood of incurring catastrophic health expenditures are households with a greater proportion of elderly members, those having a member with a chronic illness or disability, and those having a member who experienced hospitalization. These determinants should prompt policy concerns to protect such households from financial catastrophe.
机译:泰国 实施全民覆盖政策的影响体现在泰国家庭(尤其是 穷人)灾难性的 卫生支出下降中。此处定义为仍然有灾难风险的家庭 是富裕家庭,因为他们倾向于 使用私人设施。其他 发生灾难性医疗费用的可能性较高的家庭是 家庭,老年人的比例更高,而 家庭成员患有慢性疾病或残疾,并且 的成员都有过住院经历。这些决定因素 应该引起政策上的关注,以保护此类家庭免受 金融灾难的影响。



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