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Bringing Class Struggles Back: A Marxian Analysis of the State and Class Relations in China


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This article finds both the weakening-state' hypothesis of neo-liberalism and the state as autonomous actor' approach adopted by many current China studies dissatisfying towards an understanding of the Chinese state. The authors have therefore conducted a Marxian investigation of the Chinese state. We argue that the state is socially embedded; it is the field and condensation of class struggle. The gulf separating global capital and internal migrant workers on interests such as wage standards, pensions, and other labour regulations in China is a major form of class struggle, which continues to shape the state's policies and behaviours. The attack on Chinese workers by global capital after the global economic crisis in 2008 precipitated a new wave of migrant worker protests and contributed to their articulation of worker demands on the Chinese state. To substantiate these arguments, we examine the (global) capital and (migrant) labour relations during and after the global economic crisis in 2008, with detailed analysis of the Honda strike and Yue Yuen strike, which took place in 2010 and 2014, respectively. The central theme is that the Chinese state's development and labour policies can be fully comprehended only by bringing class struggle back into the analysis.
机译:本文发现了新自由主义的弱化国家假说以及当前许多中国研究所采用的国家作为自主行动者的方法都对理解中国国家感到不满意。因此,作者对中国国家进行了马克思主义的调查。我们认为国家是社会嵌入的。这是阶级斗争的领域和凝聚。在中国,按照工资标准,养老金和其他劳工法规等利益将全球资本和内部移民工人区分开来的鸿沟是阶级斗争的一种主要形式,它继续影响着国家的政策和行为。 2008年全球经济危机之后,全球资本对华人工人的攻击引发了新一波的农民工抗议活动,并促使他们表达了对华人工人的要求。为了证实这些观点,我们研究了2008年全球经济危机期间和之后的(全球)资本和(移民)劳动关系,并分别分析了分别于2010年和2014年发生的本田罢工和月圆罢工。中心主题是,只有将阶级斗争重新纳入分析,才能充分理解中国的发展和劳动政策。



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