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Hostage to Norms: States, Institutions and Global Forest Politics


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Global forest politics reveal surprising impacts of environmental norms on state behavior at the international level. Negotiations regarding deforestation have repeatedly failed to produce a policy agreement. Instead of abandoning the deadlocked talks, governments created the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), a hollow entity deliberately deprived of decision-making powers. Various theoretical perspectives fail to explain why states create blank international institutions without policy mandates. Several arguments are advanced here. First, a global norm of environmental multilateralism (NEM) helps explain the creation of the UNFF as well as universal state participation in it. Second, such "good" norms can have negative consequences in world politics. NEM prohibits states from disengaging from failed political initiatives, and fosters the creation of hollow institutions that nourish skepticism about the effectiveness of global governance. Finally, global forestry defies the widespread academic notion that norms, institutions and governance are coterminous. Sometimes states design "decoy" institutions whose function is to preempt governance.
机译:全球森林政治揭示了环境规范对国际上国家行为的惊人影响。有关毁林的谈判屡屡未能达成政策协议。各国政府没有放弃陷入僵局的谈判,而是创立了联合国森林论坛(UNFF),这是一个故意剥夺决策权的空心实体。各种理论观点未能解释为什么国家在没有政策授权的情况下建立空白的国际机构。这里有一些论点。首先,全球环境多边主义(NEM)规范有助于解释联合国森林论坛的成立以及各国对其的普遍参与。第二,这种“好的”规范会对世界政治产生负面影响。 NEM禁止各州脱离失败的政治举措,并鼓励建立空洞的机构,这些机构对全球治理的有效性持怀疑态度。最后,全球林业无视普遍的学术观念,即规范,制度和治理是紧密相连的。有时,国家设计“诱骗”机构,其职能是抢占治理。



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