首页> 外文期刊>Geotectonics >The Thermal Field and a Thermal Model of the Ural Lithosphere in View of SG-4 Superdeep Drilling

The Thermal Field and a Thermal Model of the Ural Lithosphere in View of SG-4 Superdeep Drilling


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Specific features of the deep temperature and heat flow distribution in the central and southern Urals and Mugodzhary Mountains are discussed. Various causes responsible for the low heat flow in the uppermost crust of the Urals are analyzed. 2D and 3D numerical geothermal models have been constructed for the area adjacent to the SG-4 Superdeep. Paleotemperatures calculated as a function of the tectonic evolution of the lithosphere in the Ural Foldbelt showed that the structural rearrangement of the lithosphere at the stage of the Ural paleoocean closure and the subsequent Late Paleozoic collision of continental blocks may serve as a possible explanation both of the low heat flow in the uppermost 2-3 km of the crustal section and of the downward increase in the heat flow.
机译:讨论了乌拉尔中部和南部以及Mugodzhary山区深层温度和热流分布的特定特征。分析了造成乌拉尔最上层地壳低热流的各种原因。已为SG-4 Superdeep邻近区域建立了2D和3D数值地热模型。根据乌拉尔Foldbelt岩石圈构造演化的函数计算的古温度表明,在乌拉尔古生代封闭阶段岩石圈的结构重排以及随后的大陆块晚古生代碰撞可能是这两个可能的解释。地壳部分最上方2-3公里的热量较低,热量的流量向下增加。



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