首页> 外文期刊>The Leading Edge >Seismic time-lapse surprise at Teal South: That little neighbor reservoir is leaking!

Seismic time-lapse surprise at Teal South: That little neighbor reservoir is leaking!

机译:蒂尔南(Teal South)地震时移惊喜:那个小邻居的水库正在泄漏​​!

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Why perform time-lapse seismic monitoring? Is it to verify the reservoir model? No! We should conduct time-lapse seismic surveys in order to find out what is incorrect in the reservoir model, in a way similar to the production history matching familiar to reservoir engineers as they look for improvements to the model. This being the case, it is difficult to determine in advance of monitoring just what it is we should be monitoring. Thus, surveys designed specifically to test one feature of a reservoir model may be missing other important features. In this paper, we present a set of very surprising results from the Teal South time-lapse multicomponent (4-D/4-C) study, in Eugene Island Block 354 in the Gulf of Mexico. We will show that time-lapse seismic observations have revealed that an undrilled reservoir near a producing reservoir is exhibiting time-lapse changes consistent with expansion of a free gas phase, and that this implies that oil is being lost through the spill point, never to be recovered, even if that reservoir is eventually drilled for production.
机译:为什么要进行延时地震监测?是否要验证储层模型?没有!我们应该进行延时地震勘测,以找出储层模型中不正确的地方,其方式类似于储层工程师在寻求改进模型时所熟悉的生产历史匹配。在这种情况下,很难在监视之前就确定我们应该监视的内容。因此,专门为测试储层模型的一个特征而设计的勘测可能会缺少其他重要特征。在本文中,我们提供了在墨西哥湾尤金岛354号区块进行的深青色时移多分量(4-D / 4-C)研究获得的一组非常令人惊讶的结果。我们将显示,时移地震观测表明,在生产油藏附近的未钻井油藏表现出随自由气相膨胀而变化的随时间变化,这表明石油是通过溢漏点流失的,永远不会即使最终钻探该油层进行生产,也可以对其进行回收。



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