首页> 外文期刊>Australian geographical studies >'Whiteness' and natural resource management: let's talk about race baby, let's talk about sovereignty!

'Whiteness' and natural resource management: let's talk about race baby, let's talk about sovereignty!


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Issues of race and sovereignty are embedded in every cross-cultural collaboration in natural resource management (NRM). This article aims to bring these issues to the forefront by incorporating the term whiteness. Whiteness enables a critique of the privileging of Western sovereignty and the so-called objective and universal value of Western science. By reversing the gaze away from the colonised Other and onto systems descended from colonial authority and its inheritors, whiteness identifies how race privilege works. A critical whiteness lens provides an analytical and practical tool for decolonising NRM. We provide a case study of the South Australian Department of Environment and Water to consider how NRM professionals reproduce and deconstruct whiteness in nuanced ways, where (a) participants are defeated by Western sovereignty when whiteness is seen as normal or as the only way; (b) the privilege of Western sovereignty begins to be unsettled; and (c) the gaze is reversed. Thus,Western sovereignty is problematized, and solutions to persistent problems are found in collaboration. We argue that reversing the gaze is a process that opens spaces to co-develop context specific solutions with Indigenous nations that decolonise cross-cultural engagement in NRM and respect Indigenous sovereignty.
机译:在自然资源管理(NRM)的每一次跨文化合作中都嵌入了种族和主权问题。本文旨在通过引入术语“白度”来将这些问题放在最前沿。白人使得对西方主权特权和西方科学所谓的客观和普遍价值的批评成为可能。通过将视线从被殖民的“他者”上移开,转到由殖民当局及其继承者继承的系统上,白度确定了种族特权的工作方式。临界白度透镜为非定殖NRM提供了分析和实用工具。我们提供了一个南澳大利亚州环境与水部门的案例研究,以考虑NRM专业人士如何以细微的方式复制和破坏白度,其中(a)在白度被视为正常现象或唯一途径时,参与者被西方主权所击败; (b)西方主权的特权开始动摇; (c)视线反转。因此,西方主权受到质疑,在合作中找到了解决持久性问题的办法。我们认为,扭转目光是一个过程,该过程为与土著国家共同制定针对具体情况的解决方案开辟了空间,这些解决方案将跨文化参与NRM的活动非殖民化并尊重土著主权。



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