首页> 外文期刊>Geoforum >Energizing Historical Materialism: Fossil Fuels, Space And The Capitalist Mode Of Production

Energizing Historical Materialism: Fossil Fuels, Space And The Capitalist Mode Of Production


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In this paper, I present a theoretical argument that fossil fuel represents a historically specific and internally necessary aspect of the capitalist mode of production. Despite sustained attention to distributional conflicts between international capital and energy rich nation-states, few historical-materialists have paid attention to the relations between fossil fuel and capital accumulation in industrial capitalist societies. In opposition to ecological economic notions of fixed thermodynamic "laws", I first propose a dialectical conception of energy as embedded in dynamic social processes and power relations. Second, I review the historical importance of the energy shift from solar or biological sources of energy (muscles, wind, and water) to fossilized sources of energy (coal, oil, and gas). I then demonstrate how attention to fossil fuel energy forces a reexamination of the core insights of ecological Marxism and the political economy of nature. In the core argument of the paper, I reconsider the shift from biological to fossil energy as internal to the generalization and extension of capitalist social relations from two basic vantage points - (1) capitalist production based on wage labor; (2) the spatial conditions of capitalist circulation. I conclude by asking whether it is accurate to conceptualize capitalism as a "fossil fuel mode of production" and highlight the political urgency of a historical materialist perspective that takes seriously the importance of energy to the reproduction of capitalist social relations.
机译:在本文中,我提出了一个理论论点,即化石燃料代表了资本主义生产方式的历史特定和内部必需的方面。尽管一直关注国际资本与能源丰富的民族国家之间的分配冲突,但历史唯物主义者很少关注化石燃料与工业资本主义社会中资本积累之间的关系。与固定的热力学“定律”的生态经济学概念相反,我首先提出了一种辩证性的能源概念,将其嵌入动态社会过程和权力关系中。其次,我回顾了能源从太阳能或生物能源(肌肉,风和水)转移到石化能源(煤,石油和天然气)的历史重要性。然后,我将展示对化石燃料能源的关注如何迫使人们重新审视生态马克思主义和自然政治经济学的核心见解。在本文的核心论点中,我从两个基本的角度重新考虑了从生物能源到化石能源的内部转换,以及资本主义社会关系的普遍化和扩展性:(1)基于工资劳动的资本主义生产; (2)资本主义流通的空间条件。最后,我想问一下将资本主义概念化为“化石燃料的生产方式”是否正确,并强调了历史唯物主义观点的政治紧迫性,这种观点迫切需要能源对资本主义社会关系的再生产的重要性。



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