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Producing 'prehistoric' life: Conservation breeding and the remaking of wildlife genealogies


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The giant tortoises of the Galapagos Islands, a species Charles Darwin called 'antediluvian,' are the focus of one of the world's most successful conservation breeding programs. This paper explores the paradox of the breeding program, examining how 'prehistoric' life has been actively produced through nearly a century of work by scientists and conservationists dedicated to saving this endangered species. It traces the story of one giant tortoise, Diego, who was collected from the archipelago in the 1930s, lived in an colony at the San Diego Zoo for forty years, and returned to the Galapagos in 1977, where he became the star stud of the breeding program. I argue that the giant tortoises are not icons of a 'pristine' evolutionary history, but are the product of genealogies that enfold management practices in the bodies and bloodlines of wildlife. The paper focuses on the assemblages of reproduction at the center of these genealogies, drawing attention to the multiple agencies and spatialities that emerge in practices of experimentation - first at the zoo, where keepers struggled to keep the giant tortoise colony alive and healthy, and then in the Galapagos, where conservationists were eventually able to gain enough control over tortoise reproduction to standardize and replicate breeding practices. The case extends readings of conservation as a field of nonhuman biopolitics by attending to the production of wildlife itself as a strategy that facilitates the reproduction of conservation and tourism in the archipelago.
机译:加拉帕戈斯群岛上的巨型乌龟是查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)称为“ antediluvian”的物种,是世界上最成功的保护育种计划之一。本文探讨了繁殖计划的悖论,研究了科学家和自然保护主义者近一个世纪来致力于拯救这种濒危物种的工作如何积极产生“史前”生活。它追溯了一个巨大的乌龟迭戈的故事,迭戈是在1930年代从群岛收集的,在圣地亚哥动物园的一个殖民地中生活了四十年,并于1977年返回加拉帕戈斯群岛,在那里他成为了乌龟的明星。繁殖计划。我认为巨型乌龟不是“原始”进化史的标志,而是系谱学的产物,这些谱系将管理实践纳入了野生生物的身体和血统。本文着重于这些家谱中心的生殖组合,提请人们注意实验实践中出现的多种因素和空间-首先是在动物园,饲养员在努力保持巨大的乌龟殖民地的生命和健康,然后是在加拉帕戈斯群岛,保护主义者最终得以对乌龟的繁殖获得足够的控制,以标准化和复制繁殖做法。该案例通过关注野生生物本身的生产,将保护作为非人类生物政治领域的理解扩展为一项战略,以促进该群岛的保护和旅游业再生产。



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