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'Hijabs, Hoodies and Hotpants'; negotiating the 'Slut' in SlutWalk

机译:“头巾,连帽上衣和短裤”;谈判SlutWalk中的“ Slut”

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The 'SlutWalk' movement saw feminist protests spread transnationally during 2011 to contest discourses that blame women for being raped - discourses that involve judgements about women's embodied appearance and sexuality. The figure of the 'slut' became a contested site - its connotative signifiers of dress (length of skirt, height of heel) and its connoted practices and desires ('excessive' female sexuality) becoming variously reappropriated, deconstructed and disavowed. Based on interview data with a group of young Muslim participants at the 2011 SlutWalk in London, UK, we consider the practices of deterri-torialisation from dominant political 'territories' that allow the construction of feminist, Muslim positions of political agency and that problematise the invocation of the term 'slut' in SlutWalk. We use Deleuzog-uattarian ideas of deterritorialisation and machinism to develop an understanding of how new modes of expression are unfolded through the production of new configurations of bodies and their capacities. These concepts suggest how a repudiation of the possibility of validating the subject position 'slut' might be thought not as a repetition of norms of appropriate feminine sexuality, but rather as a rejection of a liberal framing of women's sexual abundance in terms of 'sexual freedoms'. Our theorisation, then, suggests the concept of heteronormativity needs to be used alongside concepts such as deterritorialisation. It also suggests the processes of deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation by which feminist activism can become multitudinous and by which the potential for a refiguration of what counts as sexual abundance can become opened up.
机译:在“荡妇走动”运动中,女权主义抗议活动于2011年在全球范围内蔓延,以争辩被指责为强奸妇女的言论-这些言论涉及对女性外表和性取向的判断。 “荡妇”的身影成为了一个有争议的地方-它的着装含义(裙子的长度,脚跟的高度)以及它的内涵的实践和欲望(“过多的”女性性欲)被各种不同程度的重新分配,解构和否认。根据在2011年英国伦敦SlutWalk上与一群年轻的穆斯林参与者进行的访谈数据,我们考虑了从占主导地位的政治“领地”实行剥夺领土的做法,这些做法允许建设女权主义,穆斯林在政治机构中的职位,并给这些问题带来了问题。在SlutWalk中调用术语“ slut”。我们使用Deleuzog-uattarian的去域化和机械主义思想来加深对如何通过产生新的身体形态及其功能来展现新的表达方式的理解。这些概念表明,如何将否定主题位置“荡妇”的可能性视为不是重复适当的女性性行为规范,而是以“性自由”为由拒绝女性自由的性构架'。因此,我们的理论表明,异规范性的概念需要与去域化等概念一起使用。它还提出了去域化和再域化的过程,通过这些过程,女权主义的行动主义可以变得繁多,并可以打开重新定义被视为性丰富的潜力。



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