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Significance of affect and ethics in applying conservation standards: The practices of flying squirrel surveyors


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We examine human-animal encounters as the generative source of affective knowing and learning to study the role of affect in the implementation of nature conservation. The study is based on an ethnographic approach following the embodied practices of biological field surveyors working with Siberian flying squirrels (Pteromys volans) in land use planning in Finland. The case is characterized by radical uncertainties due to the elusive life of flying squirrels, the strict conservation standard of the EU, and the pressure of urban development. The surveyors can use only indirect clues to detect these nocturnal animals, but are required to produce accurate and unambiguous ecological knowledge to planners. We found that affective learning enables knowing and increases the reliability of knowledge in such conditions. Affective learning results from alternation between constant encountering of clues and changing intensities that produce feeling states and a sense of the forest where the animals live. Ethical consideration and personal differences are important in affective learning and shape the surveyors as participants in standard development. Finally we discuss the possible implications of affective learning for standard design in nature conservation.
机译:我们将人类与动物的相遇视为情感知识和学习的产生源,以研究情感在自然保护实施中的作用。该研究基于人种学方法,该方法遵循生物现场调查员在芬兰土地使用规划中与西伯利亚飞鼠(Pteromys volans)合作的具体实践。此案的特点是,由于松鼠的生活难以捉摸,欧盟严格的养护标准以及城市发展的压力,因此存在巨大的不确定性。评审员只能使用间接线索来检测这些夜间活动的动物,但要求规划员提供准确而明确的生态知识。我们发现,情感学习可以在这种情况下进行了解并提高知识的可靠性。情感学习源于不断遇到线索和不断变化的强度(产生感觉状态)和动物所居住的森林的感觉之间的交替。道德考量和人际差异在情感学习中很重要,并使测量师成为标准制定的参与者。最后,我们讨论了情感学习对自然保护中标准设计的可能含义。



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